A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

welcome to nyekatsu city! where the skies are blue and the only objective is to go around collecting stickers!!



1. [WASD] to move, [SPACE] to jump, [LSHIFT] to sprint, and [CTRL] to crouch 

2. notice the shop to your left when you enter the city! it has a bunch of upgrades that you can claim upon reaching certain milestones :)

3. i apologize for the uhh... low-poly look. i did not have the time to make models in maya ._.

4. the developer suggests that you do not attempt to collect all 300 stickers (for your own sanity)

5. shoutout to @MohhChung on twitter for the sounds !! they're great :D


good luck!! maybe i'll update this in the future??


nyekatsu_mac.zip 39 MB
nyekatsu_pc.zip 30 MB

Install instructions

just hit the download button! or don't idk

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